We are a smaller than average primary school and nursery in the village of Stalmine in the district of Wyre. Currently, we have just under ninety pupils on roll and we pride ourselves on being able to offer a high quality education for all our children which accepts that all learners have individual needs and that having high expectations around behaviour, pupil progress and achievement is the key to children succeeding.
We have ambitious expectations of what progress our pupils can make and strive to enable every one of them to achieve to the very best of their ability. In addition to this we offer our pupils excellent pastoral care.
If you are considering sending your child to our school we would be delighted to hear from you and visits are warmly welcomed. Appointments can be made by contacting the school office.
Our Vision
We want all our children to become happy, confident and caring individuals who want to participate and achieve to the very best of their ability and are well prepared to face the challenges of life in our modern society.
Our Mission
- To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is focussed on maximising learning and increasing pupil progress
- To provide a welcoming and safe environment
- To develop a collective responsibility towards our school ethos and environment
- To recognise and celebrate success in everyone
- To develop strong,collaborative partnerships with families and the local community
- To encourage and enable the continuous professional development of all staff so we achieve the very best outcomes for all our pupils