Children in Class 4 will be challenged to reach their full potential, using adaptive teaching strategies whilst also offering a nurturing and supportive approach, that suits the needs of the individual. 

Through relevant, ambitious and exciting units of learning and a well-balanced curriculum, the children will develop socially and academically to prepare them for later life.

Children will have opportunities to learn in the classroom and outdoors through Forest School Sessions.  They will also benefit from educational off-site visits throughout the academic year.

We have high expectations in Class 4 and would appreciate your support to help your child reach their full potential.  This can be achieved through supporting your child reading on a regular basis, completing homework and by helping with their organisational skills to promote independence.

If you ever have any concerns or need support with homework, please feel free to contact me either on Class Dojo, on the phone or in person after school.

Many thanks,

Mr. McShane



Who's Who in Class 4?

Class teacher: Mr McShane

Wednesday afternoon: Mrs. Cardwell

TA and HLTA: Miss.Shaw







Class 4 by Mr.McShane